
Vocab 17

1. Rancor (noun) Extreme hatred or ill will

2. Remorse (noun) Deep regret for a sin or wrongdoing

3. Renegade (noun) One who deserts a cause and goes over to the other
side; a traitor

4. Retribution (noun) A just or deserved punishment

5. Sanction (noun / verb) Permission, support; to give approval to

6. Scourge (noun) A person or thing which causes great trouble or
misfortune; to inflict

7. Strident (adj.) Harsh sounding

8 Taciturn (adj.) Not fond of talking; usually silent

9. Temerity (noun) Reckless boldness

10. Terse (adj.) Brief, to the point

11. Uncanny (adj.) Weird, strange; mysterious; acute

12. Unctuous (adj.) Excessively polite; oily

13. Verbose (adj.) Using more words than are needed; wordy

14. Vindicate (verb) To clear of guilt or blame

15. Vindictive (adj.) Seeking revenge; bearing a grudge