Thursday, August 4, 2011

First Blog Practice

Write a post about your favorite event or activity you did this summer.  Also include something that you wished you would have done this summer. 


  1. My favorite activity I did this summer was go to Colorado. My friends and I went on a college campus for a camp that lasted a week. The best part was walking around town and meeting new people. The one thing I wish I did this summer was to see my grandma and grandpa from Florida. I never get to see them, so I would have loved to stay with them for a week.

  2. Well Mrs. Allardice, my summer, as a whole, was comparable to the life we are all bound to live. The beginning of which was spent in complete and udder ignorance. Like a newborn child, I found myself oftentimes staring off into the oblivious distance, wondering just what this "Life" had in store for me. Rather than reaching for my own desires, I foolishly waiting for them to come to me. Life was dull. It lacked the true excitement that would eventually reach me. I often whined for food.

    As the days grew long, my philosophical ineptitudes towards the summer were realized. It was short, so it had to be lived. This period was far more productive than the childhood pastime of the summer, and was spent training for lifeguard camp, which will greatly benefit me down the road. For that, it was my favorite activity done during the summer. After all -- who wouldn't want to get paid to tan?

    As summer wound down, I could, literally, feel myself getting older. I was aware of the inevitable death that would partake, and yet somehow I found myself content with the short summer life that I had lived. During this time, I went through the seven stages of death, which eventually lead to my acceptance of the school year. In spite of this, I still regret not reading the Quran, which had been a previous goal of mine for years.

    Push came to shove. Metaphorically speaking, I am now dead as I write this. Another year of school gazes upon my life like a dried stain on the bottom of a shirt. Now I am just another lifeless product.

  3. Well, this summer, I don't know if I have a 'favorite' activity I did this summer. I don't do anything this summer, besides do the summer homework and go to Karchern Cavern. While I was at home, my mom went to Indiana for a funeral, my dad went to Oregon for work, and my sister went to Tahoe, California with her friend. Had no 'favorite' activity, unless you count sleeping.

    Now, I wish I got to leave the state and visit family or be a tourist. Have my friends over or they invite me so I could've gotten out of the house. I only left my house for getting the mail. It would've been nice to go to a park or the mountains, but getting out of the state would be on top of my list along with getting a car. That was my exciting and eventful summer Mrs. Allardice.

  4. For some reason my summer seemed to have been quite busy, but I can't remember why. My favorite thing was going on an unexpected trip to the east coast. Though it was for a sad occasion, a funeral, it was really great to see my family again. My dad has seven brothers and sisters who all live around Pennsylvania, which means I have more cousins than I can count on my hands. My family and I were flying home on stand-by, so we ended up having to spend many more hours at the airport then we intended to. It was quite an adventure trying to fly out when there were constant storms and all the flights were overbooked. Three days and five layovers later, we were home.

    Out of anything, I wish I could have had more time to accomplish my "List of Things To Do During the Summer." I've had the same list for quite a few years. While managing to cross a few things off of the list this summer, I mostly added more things onto it.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. In short, I didn't really do anything too exciting this summer. Sure having vacation from school is always nice, but nothing mind blowing happened. With that out of the way, I will say my favorite part of summer was just hanging out with friends. Specifically going off roading with them. I hadn't been in a very long time and finally going was one of the best feelings ever. However, as i mentioned before it still didn't give me that "wow" feeling i was hoping for. At the end of it all, I walked into school as a Junior, and this may be the most mind blowing thing to happen to me yet.

    If I could do anything I would have liked to travel somewhere new. I like to experience new things and am always looking for a new challenge. Unfortunately, with my parents working almost constantly trips were just not within the realm of reality.

  7. I've been sitting here for the last 25 minutes figuring out what I want to say in this blog. Truth of the matter is, I love summer. I broke out the bikini and sunscreen back in December awaiting a summer full of late nights, friends, and my hammock and I spending quality time together. Instead, I got a sunburn, a trip to Hawaii, and a memory to last me a lifetime. This summer's activity that really tied the knot for me was going snorkeling in a submerged volcanic crater off the coast of Maui. The crystal-clear water, the fruit cocktails, the umbrellas in your coconut juice. THIS is summer.

    I wish more than anything I had the time to sit down and just think. Think about the enormous jump from Sophomore to Junior year. To think about what's in store for me and where I want to go in life. The older I get the more it seems to bother me, and the one thing I should have made time for this summer is me time. To just... think.

  8. To be honest, I barely even realized it was summer before it was over. The best things I did this summer included a movie night with Raelyn and Taty. My family and I also went to Breakers Water Park toward the end of the summer, which was fun. I also played volleyball at least twice a week which both kept me busy and helped me get better at the sport. The least enjoyable event of my summer was taking a U.S. History course on Primavera Online, which was boring, ridiculously easy, and incredibly time-consuming. I believe wholeheartedly that it was worth it in the end, because without it, I would not have three electives this year, which I am thankful for.

    I wish that this summer, I had spent more time doing fun things while I can instead of spending more time than I needed to to finish my class. I wish I had spent more time making jewelry and planning things with my friends, and taking a lot more time for myself, which as of now, I do not have.

  9. My favorite activity that I did this summer was go out car shopping. doing that kept me from lazing around my house and doing nothing, I was constantly looking at new deals that would pop up for cars that I found interesting. Also while i was car shopping i was able to test drive many of the cars that were interesting and thought it better to just drive that car from the comfort of my PlayStation controller while sitting on my couch, and eventually I found the car that fit me the best and bought it.

    More than anything I wish I could have gone to California, because not only have I not been there in a while but I miss the fresh salty air. I wish I could have gone to California because its a nice place to have fun and relax and let your woes pass right through you, not to mention its a nice break from Tucson's constant heat.

  10. Some time in June I went to California with my friend Ben and his family. We left Friday night and got there the next day in the after noon. We stayed in a Hotel because his parents didn't want to drive threw all the way. When we got there we went to the ocean and had lots of fun swimming and playing in the water. We got to boogie board and i wiped out quite a few times. Then on the third day we went to universal studios. saw the filming of cowboys vs aliens. Then we went all the way back home tired and exhausted. And that was my summer vacation.

  11. Undoubtedly the best thing that I did all summer was when my youth group and I traveled to Medford, Oregon for ten days from an airport in Phoenix to a sister congregation of our church to run a Vacation Bible School for them, as they did not have enough people in their congregation to run it themselves. A Vacation Bible School, or VBS, is a week-long school, typically in the morning only, where children between the grades of pre-kindergarten and eighth grade come and learn about God and stories in the Bible. This was a delightful experience for me, as I love to work with children. They have an earnestness about them that people seem to tend to lose as they grow older. Another thing I enjoyed about this particular VBS was that many of the children that I taught did not come from my faith but other denominations. The reason that I enjoyed this was that this allowed the children and me to discuss more deeply and thoroughly certain controversial topics about aspects of the Christian church than we normally would have been able to do so had we been from identical faiths.

    Another reason I enjoyed going to Oregon was that this was the only time during summer that I left Tucson. After VBS ended at eleven-thirty a.m. the youth group would take off and turn into tourists. While we were there we went to Crater Lake, Applegate Lake, the Redwoods, the beach, and went on a jetboat tour on a river. Another great aspect of Oregon was the weather. Almost half of the time that we were there, it rained heavily. The youth group would run outside and play in the rain as our hosts would call for us to come out of the rain. They were typically ignored. Yes, Oregon was a relished break from the monotony of the rest of the summer.

    For the second part of this comment, it is not so much what I wished I could have done, as what I wished I had not done. A few weeks before school ended, my aunt in San Diego gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. After I was out of school, my mother went to visit them for a month, leaving me in charge during the day over my brothers. Needless to say, I was not thrilled with this prospect. It was hardly the way I wanted to start out the summer. While I am fortunate enough to get along fairly well with both of my brothers, they can't get along with each other. I spent a good deal of time acting as peace-keeper and coming up with activities for them to do that would keep them away from each other. With little real authority besides being able to tattle on them to our father, things could get a bit wild at times. Thankfully all three of us siblings survived, but it's not I'm going to want to do again for a while. I was quite thrilled to have my mother back home after she came back. I have no clue how she does what she does on a daily basis. Mothers are superheroes, and never forget it!

  12. English MacDonald, Aaron
    My favorite thing that I did this summer was go planking with Kyle, Danny, and my friend Michael. It was awesome because we just walked to Target and planked and owled along the way. While we were at Target we planked, owled and I got Taylor Swift's self titled album. And then after wards we ate popsicles at the front of target and then olwed and planked some more.

    The thing that I wish that I could've done this summer was get tickets to the Taylor Swift concert before they sold out. I was really looking forward for Freyer, Danny, and I going to the concert but then when I checked ticket prices on Taylor Swift's website, it said that both of the concerts in Glendale on October 21 and 22 were sold out. I was really sad after I found that out. That's what I wish I could've done this summer.

  13. As a whole, my summer was theoretically a combination of yin - yang. In other words, overall my summer was both good, as well as bad. This summer started off for me being like any-other summer, feeling over-joyed that the year was over, and that the summer was just beginning was short-lived.

    The good feeling was at its apex when I and my youth group ventured up to the San Bernardino Mountains in Southern California. There were already set camping grounds located in an isolated part if the mountain range. It was beautiful, and I overall truly enjoyed the experience, except for the early morning jogs we par-took in high altitudes, and the occasional encounter with ferocious wild life... I'm just joking.

    Things took a turn for the worst shortly after we arrived back in Sierra Vista, my Mother was diagnosed with P.M.D, Psychotic Major Depression, and had to be transferred to the V.A hospital here is Tucson. I honestly felt that I made the most of my summer, with the time I was given. Things are improving with my Mother, and I think that getting re-located to Tucson was second chance for me.

  14. Honestly, my summer was a little on the odd side. Normally I go on big extravagant summer vacations, but instead i went on a bunch of little ones every other week. My suitcase was always full of something, and laundry got tiresome; but it was exciting. My favorite was spending a week in a little surf town in California. It has the best burger joint near the beach, and the most gorgeous beach I've ever seen. When you go there, you instantly feel like you belong. The locals are super nice, and they have community events every week for all ages. I swear I'll move there someday.

    Something I wish I did would have to be, sitting down and just talking to my family and friends. It seemed as if I was always doing something, or getting ready to do something. I don't think I picked up my phone more than once a week, which is not just surprising, but it made setting up hang out sessions with friends more difficult.

  15. My Summer was on the dull side but my favorite thing that I did this Summer was spending my nights at the Tigers Pit working out and adding some finesse to my technique.
    I wish I had had more time to just hang out with friends but this Summer was hectic. Also being able to sleep in a little more often would have been fantastic.

  16. On the very small list of thing that I did this summer, my favorite event or activity won't be on there. My favorite thing I did this summer was relaxing, and doing nothing. There's nothing better than waking up at 2pm, with a full night’s sleep, knowing you have nothing to do all day but whatever you want. It's the life. I did not spend the entire summer sleeping and relaxing; I did enjoy doing things with friends, like owling with Aaron, Kyle, and Michael. The majority of my summer although, was spent lounging around. Retirement is going to be awesome.
    Although I completely enjoyed the complete unproductive summer I had, I do wish that I would have gotten a job, having no money for gas completely defeats the purpose of a car. Darn you job market.
